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A career in fashion, no diploma required
19 MARCH 2024
Does the world of fashion appeal to you, and would you love to work in it?
It's worth knowing that, even without any formal education or training, it's possible to find an interesting job in sales, both in terms of personal fulfilment and pay.
Find out more from ELORA, one of the leading brands in ready-to-wear home shopping.
Finding companies that will give non-graduates a chance is always complicated. But fashion sales is one of the most promising sectors! Always on the lookout for motivated people, there's no such thing as unemployment, and salespeople who are independent, committed and efficient can earn good incomes. If you have these strengths, all you have to do is identify the companies that are recruiting, and offer your services as a salesperson, with the prospect of an attractive contract, either on a self-employed or salaried basis. It's up to you to be all the more convincing if you don't have a degree! Finally, have you thought about opening a franchise shop? It's a business model that works well, even though it usually requires you to put up a considerable amount of money of your own to join the network, as well as a huge commitment to your business from the outset: training, performance targets, working hours like a "company director", etc. It's a good idea to go through all the clauses of the franchise contract in detail before committing yourself. You need to take into account not only the net remuneration involved, but also all its implications, both professional and personal.
Have you ever heard of home selling? And the status of VDI, i.e. independent door-to-door salesperson ?
For independent door-to-door salespeople, the strong point of direct selling is that its remuneration is based on the individual success of each salesperson, whoever they may be, without their age, experience, previous professional experience, level of education or diploma, or even the time spent at work, being taken into account in their contract or in the calculation of their commission. Only the result counts !
The status VDI, it's an ideal alternative to a traditional employment contract and a permanent job in a company, particularly during a period of unemployment, or in all cases where a return to employment seems uncertain: newcomers to working life, stay-at-home mothers returning to work, retirees retraining, availability and working hours incompatible with a traditional contract in a company, homes located far from employment areas, and so on.
If this sounds like you, and you've got a good dose of friendliness, listening skills and interpersonal skills... home selling is for you !
If, on top of that, you're fed up with your corporate job (or you like the start-up spirit!), and if you want to work independently, where you organise yourself as YOU see fit, with your own objectives and no hierarchical constraints, this is an excellent option.
Home shopping has changed a great deal, going beyond the traditional sales of lingerie, encyclopaedias or kitchen utensils... It is indeed a traditional business model, but it has been able to change and evolve to meet the expectations of today's buyers, in terms of local services, product information and applications for tracking transactions. In short, it has adapted to today's social life and the demands of the next generation.
VDIs (independent door-to-door salespeople) meet the needs of consumers looking for innovative, quality products that they can see, hold and even try on (in the case of clothing), in an exclusive and friendly social atmosphere. Customers can also benefit from personalised after-sales services, while remaining reassured by the security offered by the right of withdrawal and return. Whether we're talking about home shopping for brands, ephemeral boutiques, capsule shops or open days in designer workshops or factories, the direct-to-consumer (DtoC or D2C) model is definitely on the up. The strong point of direct-to-consumer sales is that it remains a deeply human approach, unlike the platforms and distribution giants! From the point of view of the independent retailer, the aim of the activity is to select a brand and products in which he believes, and to act as its ambassador and representative. By organising a meeting or an evening to present and sell the products at their home, or at the home of a hostess, or even at the head office of a company, they will create a flagship event: they will become the brand's official retailer. For some people, this will be a sideline activity, with no change to the conditions of their current fixed-term or permanent job, which they may keep while they wait for the first results, out of a need for security. For others, on the other hand, it will be their only professional activity, and therefore their only source of income. Whatever the case, self-employed salespeople receive a percentage of each sale. The basis of their status is that their remuneration, based on commission from sales, is a direct result of the time and energy devoted to the activity.
VDI, a flexible and rewarding career with no diploma requirements
If you become a sales consultant as a VDI (vendeur à domicile indépendant), you are your own boss. In other words, you are under the micro-business regime (auto entrepreneur) and it is you who chooses your work schedule (part-time or full-time), as well as the range of products you are going to promote.
The VDI (independent door-to-door salesperson) is in control of his or her own schedule, in the way that is most compatible with his or her other obligations, particularly family obligations, or in the case of a combination with another job, whether salaried or not.
VDIs are not salaried employees of the companies for which they are resellers, and their status is not governed by the Labour Code. They remain self-employed, a status recognised by business law and regulated under the French Commercial Code and Consumer Code.
As a self-employed door-to-door salesperson, this status is mainly governed by the creation of a micro-business (i.e. as a self-employed entrepreneur). This is an infrastructure that is compatible with unemployment, and is particularly easy to manage yourself, particularly in terms of social security (social security contributions, compulsory deductions, etc.) and tax law (declaration of income and tax).
If you're worried about having to fill in your own tax forms, don't be! With the auto entrepreneur status, which in France dates back to 2009, everything will be done automatically, or almost. All you have to do is pay income tax, with no risk of error. As for social security contributions, they will be deducted directly by URSSAF.
If you are still unsure... you can find all the information you need on the URSSAF website.
The ELORA brand, an example of success in the VDI sector
Why not become a ready-to-wear VDI (independent home sales assistant) with ELORA? Or, to be more precise, a sales consultant and personal stylist, under the special self-employed entrepreneur scheme ?
ELORA is a buoyant brand that is kind to all its partners and agents... and is just waiting for you to give them all the information they need to get started, to offer you training and to integrate you into its sales network !
A brand committed to CSR (corporate social and environmental responsibility), ELORA makes a difference with its collections designed in France, manufactured mainly in Europe, and made up of 85% eco-responsible products. Joining ELORA means putting your work at the service of a deeply human company, concerned about the well-being of its employees, partners and users, as well as the quality of the products and services provided to each of the brand's customers. You'll be sharing this wonderful adventure with over 1,300 consultants who are satisfied with their status and the income they earn. These women are passionate about their work and form a close-knit, enthusiastic network in France, Switzerland, Belgium and Luxembourg. When the VDI (with ELORA, she is first and foremost a sales consultant and personal stylist) organises home sales, she creates special shopping moments that enable each customer to discover the latest ready-to-wear collections and all the women's and men's products in them. It acts as an agent of conviviality, allowing them to sublimate themselves... and the people around them, while receiving all the information they need to feel perfectly safe. 950,000 people have already placed their trust in ELORA. It's up to you to join the company and help it pass the million mark !
Working as a sales agent under the VDI scheme is a safe way to start at ELORA.
As a starter kit (with a first collection on loan) is offered, this new job does not require any personal investment. Contrary to what sometimes happens in other businesses, you are not asked to buy products or invest in anything. It's all clearly laid out in the contract !
Nor is there any requirement for draconian self-discipline in terms of working hours. The activity can be carried out on a part-time basis, or even transformed into a full-time job, depending on the availability and motivation of each of the self-employed salespeople involved.
Another attractive consideration! With ELORA, the VDI activity develops from the salesperson's home, from training (most of which is received remotely) to organising meetings with customers, including product discovery.
Let's talk about the training... It's free too! It's designed not only to help you get to grips with the collections and products, but also to help you integrate into the team. All new sales staff are coached by a "mentor". This qualified coach introduces them to all the facets of the job and explains how to make contacts and provide services to customers.
Training modules are available online to help you develop your skills in all the areas you need: social networks, marketing, makeovers, etc.
There's still one vital point to consider: the income you're going to earn from your new professional life !
Ranging from 20% to 29%, ELORA VDI commissions are deducted according to your sales and your status (sales consultant or head of your own small network). It is therefore a highly motivating remuneration scheme, based on actual sales.
To earn an income equivalent to the minimum wage, you need to organise an average of two meetings a week each month, with sales of around €600 each.
All profiles are welcome at ELORA, provided that you have certain qualities in your job.
Generally speaking, you need to be well presented. But you don't have to have a dress code or a model's figure, which could turn some customers off... Everyone has their own style and body type, but you should always be extremely well-groomed and dressed in the spirit of the times, with taste and creativity.
The other essential quality is a sense of social interaction with customers. Buying clothes is intimate and personal... Any woman who wants to dress well and who attends a clothes presentation questions herself. When confronted with others, she tends to criticise herself. So she needs to be made to feel comfortable and secure at all levels, and that requires an empathetic, sincere commercial relationship, without judgement or bling.
In addition, you need to be flexible in terms of availability and working hours. The aim is obviously not to work 7 days a week, but to be able to take your time when you need to, for a customer who is in demand. For example, it is still possible for sales advisers to come to the home (or workplace) of a potential buyer to present the products, if the buyer uses premium, even more made-to-measure services.
The big plus that will make all the difference throughout your career with ELORA? Your passion for fashion, your ability to make trends accessible to everyone, and your interest in the products. It's important to make a personal commitment to getting to know the cuts and materials of all the products, as well as learning about morphological and colour advice.
Now it's your turn! All you have to do is fill in the contact form and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.
Need more information, in person? You can contact our company and its HR department on: 02 41 55 14 86.
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