Tips and methods for making money without investing money.
Des idées pour gagner de l'argent sans investir | Elora
29 DECEMBER 2023
Are you running out of a few hundred euros every month and actively looking for ways to earn money outside your job, to free up the money you're missing, supplement your income and balance your budget?
The problem is... you don't have enough money! So you don't want to develop a business that requires an initial cash investment, nor do you want to start out too slowly, with an eye on the long term.
On the ELORA blog, one of the leaders in home fashion sales, you'll discover our advice, ideas and tips on how to earn money (almost) certainly... without having to invest any!
To find a way to supplement your income and come up with practical ideas to fit your budget, you've been surfing the internet, picking up tips from numerous sites and exploring platforms for freelancers.
But you still haven't identified a supplementary job that suits you and your skills. And above all, you're taking your time thinking about it, knowing that you won't be able to spend the money to get started, or to train to broaden your skills, or (even less!) to set up your own shop, whether on the web or in the form of a physical boutique.
In short, you won't be able to take on any risks or budget variances for a new business. So you're looking for a serious partnership, with no initial outlay. What's more, with a company that is committed to paying you properly for your services as soon as you are up and running.
Another common problem: How do you earn money from home, so that you can reconcile your personal life with your work obligations, while limiting the time lost and the costs associated with travel?
Be aware, though, that you don't get anything for nothing! Companies or business partners will trust you all the way and give you the means to earn money... but only if you perform well during the collaboration, ready to put your heart and soul into it and deploy your skills and original ideas.
Don't expect to make a huge amount of money or generate a star income overnight, unless you have specialised skills in a sought-after field that will enable you to monetise your services very quickly.
A personal investment of creativity and energy is almost always required at the outset, whatever professional field you turn to and whatever hours you can devote to it. If only to fully understand how your new field of work works, what products and services you are involved in, and to make the difference in front of your customers.
The most important thing is to earn the company's trust! If you have no qualifications (and/or no recent experience, in the case of a housewife returning to the workforce, for example), you'll need to be motivated and tenacious, in a position to put in all the hard work.
The challenge is to compensate for the weakness of your CV, in the face of the pressures of the job market, with ideas and a certain ease on the Internet. But above all with your strength of conviction and your skills in the field.
This is what we call "soft skills", bearing in mind that nearly 8 out of 10 companies now rank a candidate's personality as the No. 1 criterion when selecting applications.
The other facet of 'knowing how to be' is your ability to make the most of a personal asset, a passion or skills acquired during previous professional experience, to put them to practical use for the company, to put forward a relevant application and to win the confidence of your clients.
The first example is real estate. If you surf all the specialised platforms and websites, if you have a knack for unearthing the best online rental or sales ads for your network of friends and family, if you can spot the best investment deals on the internet, if you're full of ideas for making the most of small areas, if you already run a blog or know how to give old interiors a makeover on a budget, etc., then you've got a real talent for property! You can go straight into this buoyant field. In France, property is a 'safe haven', and it's still going strong despite the crisis.
A second example is social networking. A web enthusiast who knows how to build up a strong image, promote ideas, objects and products online, gather a multitude of followers, generate an audience with videos on Youtube and other streaming sites, tap into customer files, etc. can become a pro at affiliation or dropshipping... and earn a very good living, because demand for e-marketing services is intense.
A third example is books. While traditional bookshops may be on the wane, thanks to the Internet and its need for content, through its multiple platforms, books are finding a new type of customer and audience, giving them the means to generate a number of promising jobs for enthusiasts.
This could involve creating online content (including blogs, reviews and articles on the internet, or even writing technical content for specialised sites and services, developing translations or subtitles, opening a dropshipping shop on the web via a dedicated platform (manga, world cuisine, wellness, home decoration, etc.), etc.
Fourth example: sport. If you're a sports enthusiast, if you're full of advice and technical knowledge about products, if you're already involved in chat rooms or Youtube, or if you give face-to-face or distance learning courses, you could try getting involved with a brand or specialist platform: as part of the marketing, sales (online or in-store), customer services or website development teams.
Fifth and last example: the world of fashion. If you're the king or queen of shopping sprees, if you know how to inspire and coach all your friends and family, if you're unerringly on the lookout for THE trendy product, new web platforms and up-and-coming mail-order sites, if you're constantly complimented on your look and your sense of colour, if you passionately follow brand trends and Fashion Weeks... There's definitely something in it for you.
In the fashion industry, you can start to earn money and generate additional income through web-based microservices (writing fashion advice blog articles, selling ready-to-wear photos, publishing tutorials or videos on Youtube, etc.). You can also try your hand at dropshipping by opening your own online shop.
How does dropshipping work? Basically, you take care of promoting and marketing a product, and it's the platform you register with that takes care of the logistics and storage, shipping and delivery. It's tempting and it's a great way of selling products over the Internet, but it's hard to make any real money.
Dropshipping requires a great deal of astuteness and agility, which requires a perfect command of the web. Not to mention the fact that you need to select the right line of products and objects to sell, especially without investing in a stock that you may not be able to sell.
It's war on the internet, and online platforms come up with offers and products that are each more irresistible than the last. It's hard, in this hyper-competitive business, to generate substantial income commensurate with the time spent. In the end, income from sales often corresponds to a net hourly rate of just a few euros.
You can also take your ambitions one step further and become either a Makeover Coach or an Influencer. For this to work, you need to position yourself high and strong on the web, and particularly on social networks, by building an e-reputation and sticking to a powerful marketing strategy, without getting sidetracked by day-to-day opportunities. This involves: finding the right medium-term positioning, possibly managing an affiliation strategy, identifying successful brands and their customer typology, selecting unique products, accessories and fashion items.
In general, beware of business offers that are too tempting. Some sites or platforms offer tempting contracts, apparently allowing you to make a lot of money without any particular expertise. But beware! The amounts advertised, which run into hundreds or even thousands of euros, often conceal a scam. Check the content of the commitments requested by these companies (even the little line at the bottom, in tiny letters!), read user reviews carefully and do some research on the web before you get carried away.
Bear in mind that you may initially have to take on a harder, more thankless job, with a lower income: shop host or hostess, online after-sales service, phoning sales agent, door-to-door sales..
Think of it as a risk-free personal investment and/or basic training. You can earn money. And, even if you're disappointed by the net amount of euros you receive, you'll have developed your customer-friendliness by learning how to present each product properly, and by building up unrivalled interpersonal skills!
With Elora, not only will you discover a serious, long-term opportunity for additional income, but you'll also be able to fulfil your potential in an exciting and rewarding job.
When you read all the advice and ideas on this blog about how to supplement your income, you may have felt a little discouraged. You can't become a web whiz, a marketing genius, a dropshipping king or queen, an affiliate marketing expert, a real estate specialist or a video maker overnight.
So, let's take a look back at the world of fashion, design and luxury... Because it's a dynamic business world. If you're attracted by sales, you can find a concrete way to earn money, by making a difference with your ideas and your motivation.
Do you follow the media on the Internet and keep abreast of the latest trends? If, in addition, you have good people skills, you've got what it takes. You could become a fashion consultant in the ready-to-wear sector.
ELORA, a well-known and fast-growing company, is actively recruiting to complete its team of VDIs (independent home-based salespeople). Even if a first experience in the fashion world, especially in a boutique, is appreciated, that's not the main thing!
At ELORA, you can be recruited without a diploma. It's up to you to stand out for your interest in the brand and its product line, and above all for your commercial sense. That's how you'll get off to a good start and earn a substantial living, commensurate with the income you need to generate. It all depends on the time you devote to the activity and the practical skills you demonstrate.
VDIs are paid on commission, as a percentage of the fashion products they sell, with no upper limit. Your income from sales depends exclusively on the number of fashion meetings you organise and the number of products, accessories and fashion items you sell at them.
Monthly commissions range from 20% to 39%, depending on your sales figures and your progress within the company.
You'll find out all the details as soon as you get in touch with ELORA about a possible application. For now, you can count on a net income equivalent to minimum wage, provided you organise two meetings a week, with average sales of 600 euros. These figures are only indicative, because the more you organise and the more you sell... the more you earn! There are no limits or ceilings.
How does it work? First of all, you need to find out about the brand, its particular line of fashion products and the range of services offered to customers. Next, you'll need to build up your first customer file. This requires some experience of social networking... and networking in general.
But you won't be embarking on this adventure alone, as you'll benefit from coaching to help you develop your skills in all the technical and practical aspects of home sales, and to integrate into the team of sales advisers. All you have to do now is surf the internet to find out about their experiences and feedback, as well as the interviews and videos posted on the ELORA blog.
You can also follow a training course offered by the brand via the internet. This training includes various courses in the form of modules (marketing, sales techniques, styling, colourimetry, etc.), adapted to the expectations of each new VDI, to give them the means to succeed. In short, you don't need to invest anything to get started, apart from the time you spend learning about the brand and its methods.
Zero investment, too, in products! You won't have to buy any stock in advance, or pay for anything, because the starter kit is free (including a first line of ready-to-wear clothing on loan). All you have to do is get started and organise your first fashion sale, in complete security.
Obviously, money is your No. 1 motivation at the start. But during your time with ELORA, you will also discover the pleasure of developing a stimulating business and representing to customers an elegant, refined brand that is very committed to ecology and respect for the planet.
Organising a sales meeting, showcasing quality products, finding out how to generate an audience and brand awareness in the fashion industry... it's exciting! And it doesn't matter whether you're doing it as a sideline or full time, whether you're a young mum, unemployed, retraining or retired.
So what are you waiting for?
But also...
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