Discover our tips and advice for increasing your income
How can you increase your standard of living?
11 OCTOBER 2023
Even if you don't face a very precarious life, like some sections of the population at risk of poverty, you would like to increase your standard of living, and therefore your income, through a new professional activity. And you'd like to earn extra money through a sideline job.
You are available for work, you can take on a new role, at least part-time, but before you embark on a new venture, you want to be sure of generating a significant monthly income, equivalent to at least a few hundred euros....
Yes, but how?
If you want to have more money at your disposal on a daily basis, check out our tips and tricks for finding a business that can quickly boost your income through a salary or extra pay.
Increase your purchasing power
You're someone with a limited income, a job with no prospect of a significant pay rise, or simply a job that doesn't pay enough. In short, you'd like to increase your net income, but don't know how...
Your household may have to cope not only with inflation, but also with the unemployment of one of the spouses, or quite simply, in day-to-day life, with a mass of everyday consumer expenditure that is being weighed down by the growing burden of tax, prices and services in our country.
Perhaps, like many households in France, you have invested in property. If so, you're feeling the impact of rising interest rates as the years go by, your salary doesn't keep up and your standard of living suffers.
You are a dynamic and realistic person. Even if you're not passionate about the economy, corporate life, changes in the purchasing power of the population in France and rising interest rates, you're aware of the impact of inflation on your budget.
In terms of everyday life, you don't need to read INSEE statistics to realise that your salary is stagnating and that your expenses are rising. You can see the decline in your purchasing power and standard of living on a daily basis.
You are directly affected by inflation, price rises, inequality, reduced purchasing power, cuts in social benefits and unemployment insurance in your day-to-day life and as your income rises.
In short, you are one of the many low-income households, with or without children, who face increasing difficulties in France every year. So the only solution is to find a way to increase your purchasing power, to get back those few hundred euros you lack at the end of each month and restore your standard of living !
This means either reducing your current expenditure (which means making savings at all levels), or increasing your income through additional work ... or both!
Making savings
It's not that easy to reduce your outgoings, especially as prices continue to rise, which works against you.
The first trick in this inflationary environment is to use the possibilities offered by the Internet. Choose the right applications, those that will help you make wise consumer choices at all times. Avoid impulse spending and 'passion' buying, manage your budget and compare prices for every major purchase.
Take stock of your expenses! Every year, telephone, insurance and bank charges add up to a significant amount, taking away from your salary and your household's disposable income. Don't hesitate to change your telephone operator, to choose an online bank (to avoid the exorbitant cost of automatically billed services), to take stock of your consumer loans (rates are soaring at the moment!), your various insurance policies, health insurance contracts, etc. All according to your real needs. All based on your real, up-to-date needs! Even if you spend a day or more on research and/or formalities, you'll soon realise that the financial stakes are well worth it.
As often as possible, think "zero expenditure" (or almost)! You'll save a few euros every time you give up a small superfluous purchase, replace a sandwich or salad menu bought in a bakery/snack bar with a home-made box and a flask of fresh water. For a day out as a couple or with the kids, opt for a free or outdoor activity, and choose picnics rather than restaurants or fast-food outlets, because all these things quickly take their toll on your income. Reduce your holiday budget, for example, by planning a stay in the countryside, in the heart of one of the modest and little-known regions of green France. When it comes to transport, pool your journeys and car-share as much as possible!
That said, the level of savings is not scalable. Perhaps you're already a forward-thinking person when it comes to spending. You've been through all these tips for a long time? Can't see where you can cut back any further without changing your lifestyle? In that case, go to plan B and try to increase your resources by finding a new job or a new activity to generate extra income!
Generating additional income: the ideal solution
If your professional situation is stagnating, if you've stopped working, why not try offering your services to a company? Unemployment is lower than ever, and our country's labour market is currently very dynamic, offering a host of opportunities, even if you don't have a long CV.
If you like figures, if you're at ease in front of a screen and if you feel capable of carrying out an administrative function, you should know that accounting and insurance firms are in short supply. There's a shortage of available, professional and motivated staff, even those with low qualifications, possibly on a part-time basis. They also offer training opportunities, etc. that will enable you to progress rapidly, without spending years in the same position.
If you've got a flair for making contact and dealing with people, think about the many opportunities in sales. These represent an opportunity to build up additional income not insignificant, provided you work for a dynamic brand or company with a quality offering and flexible working hours.
Our tips for making ends meet
A person who has already been involved in life for years, possibly with responsibility for a family, cannot be content, like a student, with small part-time jobs that are unreliable and poorly paid: providing personal services or housework, running blogs on social networks, reading to children or the elderly, giving lessons of all kinds, etc. The same applies to a person who has already been involved in life for years, possibly with responsibility for a family, and cannot be content, like a student, with small part-time jobs that are unreliable and poorly paid: providing personal services or housework, running blogs on social networks, reading to children or the elderly, giving lessons of all kinds, etc.
This type of work requires you to be available at sometimes unusual times of the day and, above all, the hourly rate of pay is low in relation to the personal investment required, making it impossible to generate a real additional income.
To really to make ends meet,It's better to consider a significant additional activity, and above all one that will last longer than a few weeks or even a short year !
Why have a home-based business?
If you want to significantly increase your standard of living without incurring costly expenses (transport, fuel, etc.) or having to take on time-consuming tasks, not to mention the time spent travelling... it's clearly best to find a job that you can do at home or close to home.
Working from home (in whole or in part) is ideal, as it allows you to increase your resources without having to pay for fuel, vehicle maintenance, public transport and so on.
Being a home sales consultant
The home shopping sector is booming and represents a real opportunity! According to the FVD (Fédération de la vente directe), it meets a number of consumer expectations in France. The figures speak for themselves, with €30m worth of purchases made every year (data from INSEE and CREDOC, the French research centre for the study and observation of living conditions).
Direct Sales, which consists of putting a seller and a buyer in contact outside a traditional sales area, is the 3rd distribution channel, after in-store sales and distance selling (internet, teleshopping, producer sales, etc.).
It's the personalisation of the offer and the services provided, the opportunity to show products in a non-commercial setting, and the skills and availability of the salesperson that make the difference! What's special about Direct Selling is that it offers an exceptional shopping experience, meeting the expectations of a new population of consumers: proximity, exchange, human warmth, personalisation, etc. in fact, 1/3 of them believe that 80% of sales will in future be made face-to-face and 20% digitally. And companies that are already experts in this type of network, like ELORA, are way ahead of the game!
In France, Direct Selling grew by 2% in 2021 and now has a volume of almost 4.6 billion euros. Our country now represents the second largest market in Europe after Germany (in Europe as a whole, Direct Selling represents 17 million salespeople with a turnover of 38.4 billion euros, and worldwide, 128.2 million salespeople with a turnover of 186.1 billion dollars. Nearly one company in three in France reports that its direct sales turnover has increased over the last 5 years, despite (or: thanks to?) the Covid crisis.
How do I get started as a home sales consultant?
Home sales, as practised by ELORA, meets the expectations of people looking for well-being in their work. It is governed by principles such as independence, individual development and professional training. Fashion retailing creates social links, and not only provides a substantial additional income, but also enables people to fulfil their potential, with ever-growing interests, skills and contacts.
Why and how? Direct Selling is totally in tune with the times, and is adapting to the needs of the population in terms of consumption and services, while at the same time benefiting from new technologies and offering increasingly efficient services. Taking up this professional activity, either as a full-time job or simply as a source of additional income, gives you the opportunity to work in a rewarding role, while gaining in know-how and confidence.
What's more, among employees in this job-creating sector, the number of under-25s, who are particularly concerned about work/life balance, is rising steadily. The same applies to business start-ups.
Here again, INSEE has provided some reassuring data. As far as the self-employed population is concerned, in the 25-34 age bracket, 2/3 are in favour of the VDI (independent home salesperson) status.
Of these self-employed VDIs, 69% have been in business for more than 1 year (compared with 64% in 2020), which is a measure of the stability of this type of micro-business (Insee and CREDOC figures).
So if you love fashion, have good people skills and are thinking of joining Team ELORA, go for it!
Fill in the contact form on the ELORA website, or phone the HR department for more information... it couldn't be easier. And you'll immediately feel supported and taken care of. You'll receive a rapid response to your profile and you'll be able to embark on your new professional life with peace of mind, if you have the level of motivation and commercial qualities needed to succeed in this business.
How much do I earn as a home-based sales assistant?
The first question that every prudent person asks is whether or not to take risks when starting up a business. But don't panic! With ELORA, a brand committed to its employees... you won't have to make any personal advance. If you are selected, a complete first collection will be loaned to you, allowing you to start up without any investment or risk-taking on an individual and personal basis. In addition, training is provided free of charge, so that you have every chance on your side in this new job.
As far as income from your business is concerned, it will be a direct consequence of the amount of work you put in. You will be paid a percentage of your sales each month. It's up to you to decide how many home sales presentations you can do, depending on how much money you want to make and how much time you have available.
At ELORA, you'll find the remuneration system extremely motivating, with commission rates ranging from 20% to 39%, depending on how far you progress in the team. You'll be able to choose whether to make sales your full profession or stick to part-time work, to boost your income by a few hundred euros each month.
As an indication, to achieve an income equivalent to one minimum wage, it is sufficient to ensure an average of two meetings per week, worth around 600 euros - which is very realistic !
So what are you waiting for to start a new life, rich in opportunities for contacts and income ?
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