Find out all our tips for earning extra income
Earn money selling clothes
27 JULY 2023
Today, ELORA, one of the leaders in home fashion sales, is devoting a blog post to the different types of online clothing sales.
Good to know! ELORA recruits sales consultants all over France, as well as in the Benelux countries and Switzerland, to train and help them get started as independent home sellers.
Yes, but how do you go about your first apprenticeship in the field and give yourself the best chances of success as a future candidate for a ready-to-wear sales position? Before making a professional commitment to a brand, why not start training to sell clothes, accessories and fashion items on the web?
Find out all our tips and tricks, and get started!
Whatever the case, the essential skills you need to sell fashion items to private customers include
- knowing how to assess the quality of a garment in order to sell it effectively
- giving a precise description of each product
- talking to the buyer
- giving relevant advice and sending photos
- in very practical terms: being able to fold a garment in style or put together an attractive parcel...
Relaying an online advert to a network of key contacts helps to create a buzz around your flagship product or your garage sale, speed up the sales process and, very often, get a better price, because potential buyers know you and trust you.
In practice, it's also excellent training in sales! These are still based on good interpersonal skills... But it also relies on people's ability, whether on trading platforms, social networks or even live, to find buyers, build loyalty, get as many positive reviews as possible, etc.
To leverage your communication on the Internet, make sure you :
- write the best possible ad copy
- highlight your second-hand products with attractive photos
- ensure a good quality description (condition of the fashion items you want to resell, exact size, texture and composition, possible look suggestions, etc.).
It's a range of skills that you acquire with experience... and that you can build on! It's an activity that will be invaluable to you in the long run, whether you're thinking of moving into a job as an influencer, blog writer, reseller on e-commerce platforms, or selling to individuals, working for a brand.
When selling products of any kind (new or second-hand), don't overestimate your price. Stay competitive with other similar listings. If you're not sure, take a look at the applications on the Internet.
Don't set your price too low either! A bad deal attracts no-one, but too good a deal can look suspicious. So don't necessarily try to align yourself with "thrift shop" type platforms like Once again.
Don't sell off your fashion pieces and keep a solid mental attitude towards your buyer: put yourself in the position of a seller, in the process of making a transaction.
If you've got a large wardrobe full of beautiful brand-name items in good condition, don't hesitate to organise a dressing-room sale, a mini fashion show with friends who'll play along, a relaxed auction, etc. The same applies if you've decided to sell new items!
By creating an event, you'll be in direct contact with individuals who prefer to see what they're buying, rather than placing orders on impersonal websites.
You can be original and convincing, personalising your offer and your presentation, so that you stand out from the anonymity of specialised platforms and applications. At the same time, you can practise expressing yourself live and creating a friendly atmosphere.
The next step, beyond the network of friends and live events, is community spirit. If you have a personal taste for fashion, and original ideas for makeovers... and if you also know how to spot up-and-coming brands and their most attractive pieces, don't hesitate to create an online community. That way, you can go beyond second-hand sales... and build up an address book for later!
By selecting your own range of quality products, showcasing them with beautiful photos, and selling them piecemeal on a marketplace, you'll have a dynamic experience that will look great on your CV when you're looking for a job. And, above all, you'll have a real source of income to supplement your income!
A good salesperson is someone who knows how to make potential buyers want to buy a product. In other words, making the product unique and irresistible, by finding the right arguments and giving relevant advice, to encourage a quick... and positive.
Everyone knows that taking too much time to think can have a negative impact. It's best to make the people you're negotiating with understand straight away that they don't need to wait too long to make up their minds.
If you love fashion, if you've started out selling clothes on the web or face-to-face, and you're doing well there, don't hesitate! There are plenty of opportunities, and this type of business can be reconciled with an active personal life and the responsibilities of being a mother.
You can earn money either through a marketplace where you run your own online shop, or by putting your talent to work for a particular brand.
It's the perfect job for a stay-at-home mum! You'll be able to reconcile the demands of your new job with your schedule, while supplementing your income
Making extra money at home, or close to home, is the dream! So don't hesitate to consider the status of VDI (independent door-to-door salesperson).
With a leading brand in the sector, like ELORA, which is constantly recruiting, you'll be coached and receive free initial training.
Why do you think that is? Quite simply because ELORA is an eco-responsible brand, committed to the planet and resolutely focused on people. It wants to create a chain of win-win relationships with its partners: designers and manufacturers, sales advisers and hostesses, customers and clients.
As part of the ELORA team, you'll be able to put your inventiveness to good use and make the most of your interpersonal potential: build up a network of customers, offer your products at private fashion sales meetings, and above all manage your own pace of work freely.
Several sales a week, paid monthly by ELORA on the basis of a substantial commission on sales, will be enough to earn you the equivalent of minimum wage.
It's up to you to see, over time, how much money you really need and how much time you can and want to devote to this new activity!
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