Finding a second part-time job
How do I find a part-time job?
25 JUNE 2020
Increasingly popular with workers looking for a better life balance, part-time work allows them to take up a parallel, freer and often more fulfilling activity.
Negotiating part-time work with your employer
Do you currently work full-time for a company and want to launch a career as a self-employed home sales assistant? The best way to devote time and energy to this second job is to go part-time. But before you consider changing company, why not ask your current one to change to a part-time contract? Many companies prefer to adapt their employees' working hours rather than lose them. Don't hesitate to talk to your superiors about this, explaining your reasons for doing so: you want to devote more time to your family, you're planning to start a new business, you're training, etc.
To make your request, send a letter by recorded delivery with acknowledgement of receipt at least six months before the date you wish to change to part-time work, explaining your reasons and putting forward your various arguments. Your employer will then have three months to respond favourably or unfavourably. Any refusal must be justified, in particular by the prejudice that your company would suffer if you had a part-time contract. If your request is accepted, check that you retain your benefits (health insurance, reduced working hours, etc.).
Finding a new part-time job
In these sectors, however, working hours tend to be staggered. If you don't mind, go for it! If, on the other hand, you want to stay in your sector, you'll need to find a company willing to employ you part-time. There are several arguments that can tip the balance in your favour: your experience, your know-how, your flexibility, your motivation, etc.
Becoming self-employed to choose your working hours
There is also the possibility of taking complete control of your working hours by becoming self-employed. As an alternative to setting up your own business, which can be a long and tedious process, Elora offers you the chance to become a self-employed home sales assistant, a status with many advantages.
Take advantage of an à la carte organisation in a sector that is constantly recruiting. As a clothing coach, you'll benefit from a highly flexible organisation, whatever your professional or personal situation. At Elora, we have noticed that there are three categories of VDIs (independent home sellers):
- vDIs looking to supplement their income (generally housewives looking after their children);
- vDIs looking for a career (generally people who devote 100% of their professional time to their self-employed activity);
- vDIs juggling their self-employed activity with their activity as an employee, generally part-time, but also full-time. Some of our sales assistants choose to combine a full-time job with a self-employed activity by freely organising evening and/or weekend meetings.
Whether you find yourself in one or the other situation, working as a home seller can be a real springboard in your career, and an excellent way of finding a better balance between your private and professional life.
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