Would you like to find out more about being a self-employed home seller?
What is the status of a home seller?
05 MAY 2023
You're starting out in home sales and would like to find out more about self-employed home salespeople. More and more companies are recruiting for this type of job. What is VDI status? Does it give you the right to unemployment or retirement? Does it provide good health insurance? Elora answers all your questions in this article .
Self-employed door-to-door salesperson: what are your responsibilities?
The status of "independent home salesperson" was created in 1993 by the Fédération de la Vente Directe. This activity can be carried out on a full-time basis or alongside another job to supplement your income.
The independent home salesperson, also known as the VDI, works with private individuals rather than professionals to promote products or services. They travel to their customers' homes to organise sales from one person to another. This may involve door-to-door sales or private sales meetings organised by the VDI.
As an independent door-to-door salesperson, you can work for a wide range of brands in areas as diverse as childcare, cosmetics, IT and fashion. At Elora, we offer you the chance to sell our ready-to-wear collections.
The job of sales consultant has several facets. First and foremost, there's the sales angle, as VDIs have to convince potential buyers to invest in their products or services. What's more, as independent professional advisers, Elora sales agents must be able to manage their own schedules and organise their own meetings. All new recruits are also required to undergo training to ensure they have all the skills they need to run a successful business.
As far as the income of independent salespeople is concerned, it is generally paid in the form of commission and varies according to the amount of sales recorded. At Elora, a consultant's remuneration corresponds to almost 30% of the sales she has achieved.
Find out more about Elora home fashion sales
What kind of status do I need to be a home sales assistant?
The social status of home-based sales agents depends on whether or not they are registered with the trade register (RCS). VDIs who are not registered are treated in the same way as employees. As such, they are covered by the Social Security system, but do not acquire any entitlement to unemployment benefit. Sellers registered with the RCS are covered by the general scheme for non-salaried workers (TNS). The social security contributions due are declared directly to URSSAF by the company with which they work. The amount of these contributions varies according to the gross income received by the self-employed agent each quarter.
Unlike an employee, the VDI contract is not subject to the Labour Code, although it is governed by the Commercial and Consumer Code.
Working as a self-employed door-to-door salesperson can be your main source of income, or you can supplement your work as an employee.
There are three types of self-employed home seller: VDI mandataire, VDI acheteur/revendeur and VDI courtier, but the first two are the most widely used.
If you want to become a VDI prêt-à-porter, you can choose between VDI mandataire and VDI acheteur/revendeur.
- VDI agent :
By choosing the VDI mandataire status, you take orders from your customers in the name and on behalf of the brand for which you work.
Our article on VDI agent status
The company sets the price of the products you sell and the amount of commission you receive. The advantage is that you don't manage any stock and don't buy collections: no financial commitment on your part is required. VDI agents declare their commissions as non-commercial profits (BNC).
- VDI buyer/reseller :
As the name suggests, a buyer/retailer is responsible for buying products from the brand with which they have a contract. They manage stocks and deliveries.
They set product prices based on recommended prices and demand. He therefore receives a margin on his sales, which he declares as industrial and commercial profits (BIC).
You choose your status according to the brands you want to work with and your personal preferences. At Elora, we offer the status of VDI agent to our independent home sellers.
How do I become an independent home seller?
To start your home sales business, you need to obtain autoentrepreneur status by setting up a microenterprise. Registration is quick and easy. Unlike salaried employees, self-employed salespeople are completely autonomous. They are therefore able to choose the number of hours they wish to devote to this additional profession, and are free to organise their appointment schedule as they see fit. They can then identify a number of companies, including Elora, offering home sales jobs and submit their application.
Wondering who can become a door-to-door salesperson ? There's no typical profile. The profession is open to anyone with an affinity for sales and commerce. In most cases, you don't even need to have trained in sales to apply.
While VDIs have rights, they also have duties. Would you like to know what their obligations are? Their only real obligation is to declare their income to URSSAF.
The microenterprise scheme offers many advantages to the self-employed, particularly from a tax point of view. The way in which social security contributions are calculated is simplified, and self-employed entrepreneurs do not need to submit an income statement or balance sheet at the end of the tax year.
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