How do I declare my VDI income?
Would you like to offer your services to a company as a VDI, but you have certain questions about the status of self-employed salesperson or the level of taxation?
Who can become a home seller? How do I start a home selling business?How do I declare my income to tax or URSSAF? Elora, a company specialising in home fashion sales, tells you all about it.
A few reminders about the VDI business
Self-employed home salespeople are self-employed entrepreneurs. To do this, they set up their own micro-business. Depending on whether or not they choose to register with the Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés (RCS), they may be covered by the scheme for non-salaried workers or by the general Social Security scheme. The VDI job may be their main activity, or it may be combined with a salaried position in a company. What's more, they generally work directly from home, which saves on transport costs. VDIs are covered by the social security system in the same way as salaried employees.
Self-employed status offers a number of advantages, particularly in terms of taxation. VDIs do not need to submit a balance sheet and benefit from a flat-rate allowance when declaring their turnover.
Declare your turnover to URSSAF
Each month or quarter, the self-employed must declare the turnover they have generated to URSSAF. All they have to do is enter the corresponding amount on the online form provided. URSSAF then calculates the social security contributions due by the VDI, and the VDI can authorise direct debit from the platform. It should be noted that in some home sales companies, the HR department itself handles the declaration and payment of social security contributions on behalf of the salespeople. Please note that declaring your turnover to URSSAF does not exempt you from filing your tax return. It should also be noted that the self-employed person only charges VAT above a certain level of income.
Si vous travaillez ou souhaitez travailler dans la vente à domicile, sachez qu’il est obligatoire, chaque année en mai, de remplir votre déclaration fiscale de revenus. Cette démarche permet au centre des impôts de calculer le revenu imposable d’un indépendant et de réclamer le montant dû au titre de l’impôt sur le revenu. La fiscalité des VDI étant allégée, il est possible de remplir le formulaire du site des impôts en toute autonomie ou de faire appel aux services d’un professionnel.
Before you start, it is essential to know whether you are registered for "industrial or commercial profits" (BIC) or for "non-commercial profits" (BNC) and to have all your identification details with you (address of your registered office/fiscal headquarters, whether this is your home or an office, SIRET number, etc.).
You will also need to calculate the total turnover for the previous year if you were already in status VDI. Once your income has been calculated and your status verified, download the "2042-C Pro" document for self-employed professionals. Please note that if you work for more than one company, it is essential to include all your income on your tax return. Tax can, of course, be deducted on a monthly basis, as for an employee.
If you want to become a home-based sales assistant, there are two ways of declaring your income.
- Si votre travail en tant que VDI est exercé de manière régulière dans la perspective de générer des revenus, remplissez la rubrique « Revenus industriels et commerciaux professionnels » et la case 5KO (ou 5LO) « ventes de marchandises » du formulaire des impôts.
- Si votre activité en tant que vendeuse à domicile indépendante est exercée de façon ponctuelle, remplissez la rubrique « Autres revenus industriels et commerciaux non professionnels » et la case 5NO (ou 5OO) « ventes de marchandises » de votre déclaration de revenus.
A tax allowance may be applied after you have submitted your tax return.
En tant que vendeuse à domicile, vous percevez des commissions sur le volume de vos ventes et des ventes des membres de votre équipe. Chez Elora, le contrat proposé est celui de VDI mandataire. Une commission est fixée et vous est reversée en fonction de vos ventes.
- Si votre emploi VDI est régulier, déclarez le montant de vos revenus dans la rubrique « revenus industriels et commerciaux professionnels », dans la case 5KP (ou 5LP) « prestations de services ».
- Si vous avez choisi d’être VDI ponctuellement, déclarez ce montant dans la rubrique « autres revenus industriels et commerciaux non professionnels », dans la case 5NP (ou 5OP) « prestations de services ».
It should be noted that some companies offer buyer-reseller contracts which, unlike the agent contract, require the VDI to buy the collection they are going to present to their customers in advance.
Would you like to find out more about working as an independent door-to-door salesperson before you start your business? Would you like to know the benefits of working for Elora? Would you like to work with a brand that can help you increase your turnover through training? Contact the Elora team now by filling in the form on the Contact page of our website.