The guide
Everything you need to know about VDI status
Choosing your company
Choosing your home sales company. Simple words that sound like a privilege these days. But be careful that this privilege doesn't turn into a poisoned chalice. From the jungle of offers to the bewitching songs of unscrupulous companies, you can quickly find yourself drowning in this unknown ocean. To make sure that this crucial step doesn't dampen your spirits, here are a few tips to get you started in this new adventure of door-to-door selling.
Make sure the contract is balanced
More than a simple administrative formality, this stage marks the creation of new obligations between the seller and his company. The contract must therefore be balanced and precise. All the conditions and circumstances (joining, termination, cessation of business, etc.) must be mentioned and taken into account.
What is the company's commitment?
The door-to-door sales company undertakes to provide technical and practical support to the new salesperson. This necessarily involves a detailed presentation of their status, as well as their commercial, tax and social rights. Initial training may also be offered, before or after the contract is signed, to provide a more detailed presentation of the company's products and/or services and its organisation.
What does a VDI commit to?
Door-to-door salespeople are required to comply with the rules laid down by the company to protect its image and that of its products or services, and not to interfere with its smooth operation.
Go through the documentation
To help you make your choice, take the time to gather all the documents you can about the direct sales companies and their products. Check their websites, look for press articles, etc. Any information that will help you judge the reputation and quality of a company will be a plus.
Gather testimonials
Don't hesitate to ask questions of your friends and family, who may be able to point you in the direction of one direct sales company rather than another. The Internet is also an interesting medium for forming an opinion through the testimonials of future, new or former direct sellers. Our advice: keep a critical eye on everything that's being said. There's a lot of competition between direct sales companies... and some don't hesitate to give their competitors bad publicity through blogs and forums! So pay close attention to the quality of the arguments you hear, read and see.
The FVD benchmark
If you still have any doubts about the seriousness of a company, don't hesitate to contact the Fédération de la Vente Directe (FVD). Member companies undertake to apply rules that reinforce the legislative provisions in place. If the company you are interested in is a member of the FVD, you are in good hands. If not, contact the FVD with your questions.
"Earn €3,000 without doing anything", "Get rich with this miracle product"... Beneath the racy slogans that invade your inboxes often lie organised scams more commonly known as pyramid schemes. These organisations, which are prohibited by law, nevertheless try to get into your home by presenting themselves as direct sales companies.
The FVD's recommendations for joining a network of independent distributors without fear
- The company's core business is the regular sale of quality products to end consumers.
- There is no obligation to build up a minimum stock on joining.
- There is no obligation to make recurring purchases of various equipment and services, or to take part in paid training courses or meetings.
- There is no remuneration solely for recruiting or recommending new members.
- There is no possibility of acquiring products or services free of charge or at reduced prices on the basis of recruiting new buyers.
- A contract sets out the essential terms of the collaboration with the company, in the context of a direct relationship with no intermediary.
- The company applies the laws in force concerning Direct Sales.
- The company is a member of the Fédération de la Vente Directe.
- The company applies the Direct Sales Code.
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Charlotte Client Elora
Elora is a family affair. My mum, who has been a Personal Stylist for almost 30 years, instilled in me a love of business and advice. And yet, when I started out over 10 years ago, I was a very shy young woman! Elora was able to support and train me. And today, I'm proud of how far I've come! I've set up my own team and Elora has put its trust...

Céline Client Elora
I went to Elora to discover the concept of home sales of ready-to-wear clothes. I tried it out, persevered and loved it: that's why I'm still there today! I quickly seized the opportunity presented to me. To create everything on the ground with a company that's over 30 years old! What potential! To this day, I still get just as much pleasure...

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